How well do you know rare British stamps?

Know your Penny Reds from your Penny Blacks or why a Two Penny Blue could be better than both combined? See how you do in our 10-question British stamp quiz. Send it to your friends and see if they can beat you. 

1 / 10

Who originally engraved the portrait of Queen Victoria on which almost all her stamp portraits are based? 

2 / 10

The longest-circulating British high-value stamps were named after what feature of their design? 

3 / 10

Who was the first non-Royal to be shown on a British postage stamp. And in what year?

4 / 10

Did the UK or the US issue Christmas stamps first? 

5 / 10

And, in what year were the first UK Christmas stamps issued? 

6 / 10

Why are the Wilding stamps of 1958 so called? 

7 / 10

And what did the Wilding stamps feature for the first time? 

8 / 10

What stamp is the most valuable GB stamp ever sold at auction. 

9 / 10

How did stamps suffer from World War II shortages?

10 / 10

Arnold Machin, who created the Machin Head used during most of Elizabeth II's reign was what by trade?

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